Pepes HTML Majik

Hello, World!

pepemanuels mug

It's your fren Pepe here. Guess what?

Pepes learning to code!

I mean for real!

This here website your eyeballing right now wasn't made from a WordPress template.

Hell no it wasn't. Pepe wrote the code from scratch kek.


  1. Because he can
  2. Because he's that dude
  3. AND because Pepe dont give af! lmao!


Before ol' Pepe can let you go any further, he needs your consent because Pepe aint gonna be liable for any

sorta mental damage that happens as a result of browsing his site. ok? ok

He just needs a little info and for you to agree that he won't be held liable should you blow an o-ring

in your medulla oblongata or worse.

So kindly put your Juan Hancock in the form below and check ze box

By checking this box I agree to all of the above and that patrick gunnels is gay:


The form and the box don't do shit do they?! lmao

That's because 'ol Pepe hasn't gotten that far yet numnuts. Did you not read the part at the top where it

says that Pepes LEARNING?? pfft gimme a break...Kekistan wasn't built in a day now was it?

So check back often and you'll be able to track Pepes progress k.

In the meantime, stop by Pepes Shadilay Cafe and have yourself a cup of the best coffee this side

of Kekistan!

image of pepes shadilay cafe

Wanna get in touch with Pepe?

New Section

Learning Flexbox now and wanted to create a page where all I do is play around with

it so I can learn how to use it. Gonna create a page for the Box Model, too, and had

actually meant to do that 1st because it was before Flex in the course I'm studying.

Oh well...that will be next.
